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NYC Ferry

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Service Alert - Governors Island Landing Planned Closure

Governors Island

Starting Tuesday, January 2nd, the Trust for Governors Island will begin replacing the Yankee Pier barge. This work requires the landing to be out of service for approximately 8-10 weeks. During this time, NYC Ferryโ€™s South Brooklyn route will bypass Governors Island in both directions. South Brooklyn schedules have been changed to accommodate this work, see Temporary South Brooklyn Schedule HERE or use the NYC Ferry app.\n\nFor service to Governors Island in the interim, please take the Governors Island ferry at the Battery Maritime Building. Ticket and schedule information may be found here:\n\nWe anticipate NYC Ferry service will resume at Yankee Pier in March and will provide a specific update closer to that time.\n\nThank you for your patience.

Planned Construction at Wall St/Pier 11 โ€“ January 1, 2024 to Mid-March

Governors Island

Due to slip closures for planned construction, delays may occur during peak hours. \n\nWe apologize for any inconvenience.\n\nNYC Ferry\n

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