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Orange Ball Doubles Tournament

Court 16 Long Island City Invites you to their Orange Ball Doubles Tournament

Details Date: February 23, 2019 iCal
Start: 2:15 PM
End: 4:15 PM
Court 16 (map)
13-06 Queens Plaza South
Queens, NY 11101

Orange Ball Doubles Tournament

You are invited to join Court 16 – Long Island City for their Orange Ball Doubles Tournament on 60ft LED-illuminated, glass courts. Travel via NYC Ferry to Court 16’s  Orange Ball Doubles Tournament. Take NYC Ferry’s Astoria or Lower East Side (LES) route to Long Island City, Queens.

Tournament is for ages 9 through 12!

Orange Ball Doubles Tournament- Men and adults shake hands over a tennis net pre-game

Travel via NYC Ferry to Cout 16. Photo Credit- Court 16!!

Pair up with a friend or enter solo to be matched with a partner and form the winning duo! Premium Babolat racquets & balls will be provided.

Click here for tickets and more details

All entries will receive a gift from Thingsnnis and our top teams will receive gear from Lacoste! Bring your family and friends to enjoy complimentary drinks and snacks while they cheer you on!

Click here to discover more fun and exciting things to do along our NYC Ferry routes.